

Our preassembled switches are made from brass or stainless steel, and are wired for track power. Mainline switches have 16 ties per foot, narrow gauge and dual gauge have 10 ties per foot, to match the track.

  • WYE has diverging exits both ways, instead of one diverging and one straight.
  • A CRV (curve) has the thru exit at a 90″ radius and the diverging exit at a 40″ radius.
  • The #8 and #10 have metal frogs and require a MICROSWITCH for track powered installations
  • Switches have the headblocks (long ties for the switchstand) on the diverging exit. You can order them for the straight exit, specify REV.
  •  Ground throw (SW GT) is made from machined brass. It has an adjustable throw so you can use it on other manufacturers switches.
  • Angle crossings (AC) can be used with switches to make a crossover. You need 4xSW6 with an AC3 or 4xSW8 with an AC4
Code Frog Angle Radius Length
SW 3 3 18.4 deg  (1 in 3) 24″ 15″
SW 4 4 14.0 deg  (1 in 4) 40″ 19″
SW 4 WYE 4 14.0 deg 90″ 19″
SW 4 CRV 4 14.0 deg 40/90″ 21″
SW 6 6 9.5 deg (1 in 6) 90″ 26″
SW 6 WYE 6 9.5 deg 158″ 26″
SW 8 8 7.1 deg (1 in 8) 158″ 35″
SW 10 10 5.7 deg (1 in 10) 247″ 40″
AC 3 3 18.4 deg n/a 20″
AC 4 4 14.0 deg n/a 22″
AC45 1 45 deg (1 in 1) n/a 14″

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